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Aspectos prevalentes en la mujer en su mediana edad

Prof. Néstor Siseles – Prof. Mónica Ñañez Chairpersons Prof. Silvina Pradier Comorbilidades y Anticoncepción en la Transición a la Menopausia Prof. Ana María Galich Osteoporosis: Cuando y hasta Cuando Tratar […]

Adolescent Gynecological Endocrinology

Prof. Charles Sultan Chairperson Prof. Laura Gaspari Dismenorrhea and Endometriosis in the adolescent Prof. Cuauhtémoc Celis González Contraception in the adolescents  

TH: O que devemos saber

Prof. Edmund Chada Baracat Chairperson Prof. Luciano De Melo Pompei TH e câncer de mama Prof. Nilson Roberto de Melo Progestagênios: São todos iguais? Quais as melhores opções na TH? […]

GREM is out!

A new issue of GREM Gynecological and Reproductive Endocrinology and Metabolism is out now. GREM is an open access journal: you can read all the articles for free. IN THIS […]

Cambios Metabólicos Frecuentes en la Menopausia

Prof. Cuauhtémoc Celis González Chairperson Prof. Luis Rolando Hernandez Guzman Tiroides y envejecimiento Prof. Hoover Canaval Erazo Obesidad y menopausia: Que debe hacer el ginecólogo  

Why we should recognize migraine in women’s history

Prof. Andrea R. Genazzani Chairperson Prof. Rossella Nappi Linking sex hormones to migraine: theories and practice Prof. Gabiele Merki Migraine is associated with vascular risks and comorbidities (Endometriosis, Autoimmune disease, […]